Thursday, 28 July 2011

Thnks to God coz sent me a great Gift name Nurnabila Hoslan

I'm very thankful to Allah cz da bg aq gift yg sgt2 precious...since i knew life feel so great..sometimes the arguement..the yelling..the laugh make us more happy n more do care n love each other.....
when i lost my temper..she will give me support n be my "ice" to cool and freez myself.....
when i was weak,she come and give strenght to me......
when im in sad she also crying,but then she will cheer me up n smile with her naughty attitude..and with her moron jokes...haha.....

dear..i know im not not like another unable make someting that u really want....but u still want me...u still want to take cre of me..u still want love me...u dun want us separate anymore...u dont want us break for the 3rd soooo lucky get u ..
u so patient...its doesnt make sense if i want let u o..i wont do that except if u not happy with me n find someone better than me....but i really hope u can with me till my last breath....

just know i scold u coz dun want me have foster sis....then i say to u dont find me anymore...but u never scold me back..never yell to me at all...but u still keep calling me..although i often reject ur call...u still want persuade me...i know im like childishcoz sulking always..but u still eager call me..find me..n flirting me...hehehehe..
until my temper change....u so genius..!!!
make me moreee love you..haha...

im happy...really happy wth her....she said.."kita cptkn kahwin please"
then i ask her.."knp?"
...then dy jwb.."sbb nk kwen cpt la..sbb ad cinta..nk b jd suami btul..
nk ad anak..tanak org len rmpas..sbb tamak b"...

see..!! bru td dy bg aq msg nie..hehe..
mana x cair...walaupn aq byk kekurangan tp dy still nk at aq...
coz she said my kiss ,my love noughty laugh make her more love special 4 u rite...
she also said im the one that she really love..not like her past love..this time with me she can feel that she really vry love..!!

im so glad..!1 so happy...!! im jumping on the bed..she doesnt know bout it..haha...
love her laa....!!

smpai sni sje k..da lme x tlis blog dlm bhsa spontan aq tlis...simple eng..x tiru2 pn aw....
ikhlas dri hati utk dy yg aq thu byk kesalahan ayat..haha..nsib r,,jnji paham..thnks sbb sudi bace ye